The “Worker Bee”

Going back to work has me feeling like I was born to work…I’m definitely a worker bee!

Worker bees are the backbone of any beehive. Though, workers are the smallest bees in the colony, they pack the biggest punch. Worker bees are equipped with a stinger and will defend the hive and its honey to the death. Worker bees work from the minute they are born.”

After a year and a half off you’d think that I’d ease back into things but I’ve truly hit the ground running at my new job.  I started on Monday (Aug 19 – the day I heard Maddie’s heartbeat for the first time, back in 2011).  Anyways, that first day was spent going over what everyone goes over on the first day (i.e. orientation).  Tuesday I get to the office and right away I’m called upon to head to a client site to work on my first assignment/project.  So just like that I’m right back into the thick of things at work as if I’ve never even missed a beat, and it’s been nonstop ever since!
I love it!  The sense of ownership, the challenge, the sense of accomplishment…the work!!! 
What I do:  You know, I’m an engineer.  I fix stuff.  Nah, I’m kidding.  I have a mechanical engineering degree which I feel can get me a job as an engineer anywhere basically.  So I spent four years working at a pharmaceutical company as a Process/Validation Engineer gaining experience in compliance, sterilization, mixing, remediation and continuous improvement.
Have I bored you yet!
Basically, I ensured that when drugs were made the processes and/or equipment used to make those drugs were validated (established scientific evidence that a process is capable of consistently delivering quality product).   The industry that I work in is heavily regulated by the FDA so we have a lot of guidelines to follow in order to be in compliance.
At my current job I’m a Validation Engineer working as an Engineering Consultant.  Essentially, I’m given an assignment/project at a company for a set amount of time and I’m there to help bring them into compliance based on those FDA guidelines I mentioned above.  My current assignment is for ~6 months.  Assignments can last for weeks, months, even years.  I can be asked to travel out of the state and country (I had to bring my passport in on the first day) at any time based on our client’s needs (they may have a company here in NC but also need the same work done at their NY location).  Hopefully, you get the picture!
I’m hoping to learn a LOT as a consultant since I’ll be working at different sites and being involved in different types of companies and different processes that I wouldn’t be exposed to if I had one consistent job location.  I’m sure you can tell I’m excited and just thrilled to have this opportunity…it’s a resume builder for sure!
I will say that I’ve been exhausted when I get home because I’m just not use to the rigor of working!  Next week I’ll give you a glimpse into some of the things I”m doing to make my home life easier now that I’m a working mom (like cooking for the entire week on one day)!  Yeah, you’ll want to stick around for that! I also still have to talk about our debt and even let you know how Maddie is doing with all these changes.
I hope I’ve piqued your interest…stay tuned!!!
Just a reminder that the Monthly Measures {#8} link-up will go live on Monday (Sept 2)!
Hopefully, I’ll have time to get a Favorite Things post together to link up with Ashley tomorrow!


  1. August 29, 2013 / 3:01 am

    I remember how tired my brain would feel after I started a new job. And then at some point it almost becomes second nature. Glad you're enjoying be back to work!

    • August 29, 2013 / 3:37 am

      Yes, Dawn! I'm hopeful that it'll all come naturally after a while!!!

  2. August 29, 2013 / 11:53 am

    That actually sounds like a fun job. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!!

    • August 29, 2013 / 10:08 pm

      It really is, Rebecca, I'm having a blast! Thanks!

  3. August 29, 2013 / 2:05 pm

    Awesome! Preparing food for the week in one day…yeah you've definitely piqued my interest :)!

    • August 29, 2013 / 10:40 pm

      Yes, I can't wait to share next Wednesday! I don't know why I didn't think of this before!

  4. August 29, 2013 / 9:22 pm

    I think it's awesome that you love your job! You are still transitioning. You will surely get used to the hours with a little more time.

    • August 29, 2013 / 10:41 pm

      Me too! I'm not sure if it's because I haven't worked in so long or because it's actually just that fun…only time will tell!

  5. Anonymous
    August 29, 2013 / 10:40 pm

    Can't wait to read more. Your job sounds fun, my job isn't as fun or fast pace, well, not until the end of the fiscal year anyway. Thanks for sharing!

    • August 29, 2013 / 10:43 pm

      It really is fun, Quana, I'm hoping I'm not just going through some kind of "honeymoon" work phase, if you know what I mean! I'll let everyone know if I'm still feeling giddy about my job after a few months, lol :)!

  6. August 29, 2013 / 11:01 pm

    Good luck! Sounds like you're having fun and will gain a lot of experiences. Love you guys!!!

    • August 29, 2013 / 11:17 pm

      Thanks, Hattie! I am really enjoying it thus far and expect to learn a lot! We love you too!

  7. August 30, 2013 / 2:12 am

    I'm with Tasha!! Everything you've said here is interesting…but I want to see this cooking meals for week in one day thing!! That is the one thing I've been dreading…having to come home to cook!! I have to spend all week and the majority of my day adjusting to the changes taking place THEN come home to prepare a hearty meal…I can't deal!!

  8. August 30, 2013 / 3:01 am

    I know that's right, Mionna! I've got the post all laid out and ready to post on Wednesday!!!

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