Next Week’s Goals {Wk 3}

—— Goals for the week of 04.20.14 ——

An Evening to Myself
I need to recharge, relax, relate, and release. Sometime next week I intend to get off work and do something nice, fun and relaxing, just for me. I need it desperately.

We’ve gotten off track in regards to our budge recently. We need to sit down, take a look at where we’ve gone off course and correct it immediately. Our future is depending on it :)!

Less Facebook
I’m no longer a huge fan of FB at this point in my life but I keep it for Fan Page purposes.  I recently read {this} amazing post about cleaning up your newsfeed and it really resonated with me. So, this week I plan to go through and simply unfollow (not to be confused with unfriending) a few folks, just so that they no longer appear in my news feed.

Bible Study
Last night my family (Mario, Maddie and I) had family Bible study at home for the first time. Not just reading the Bible as usual with Madison or around Madison, but actual study with each other (as Husband and Wife) in the presence of our child. This is not meant to take the place of going to Bible study held by the church. Besides, one can never have enough of Jesus. This is meant to strengthen us as a family and allow us to continually pour our faith into Madison as she soaks in the world, and everything in it.

Deuteronomy 11:19 states, 
Teach them [His words] to your children, 
talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, 
when you lie down and when you get up.” 

This week I want to research ways to ensure that our study is effective…for all us!

P.S. I STILL haven’t cleaned out that refrigerator!

    Be Happy,



    1. April 18, 2014 / 3:59 pm

      I need to clean up my facebook feed, too. I see way too many posts from people who annoy me and it puts a damper on my day.

    2. April 19, 2014 / 8:42 pm

      Hope you do get some "me time" and enjoy it! So awesome y'all are doing Bible study with Maddie, that's something we should consider starting. I know what you mean about Facebook – I unfollowed a lot of people because I realized their statuses were actually consuming my mind too much (with negativity!) I like Instagram way better anyhow!

      Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss

    3. April 22, 2014 / 12:40 pm

      I hope you are able to get some time for yourself, girl! It'll do you some good, I'm sure. 🙂 I could use an evening to relax and decompress, too. So happy I found your blog!

    4. April 22, 2014 / 2:30 pm

      I am the same with FB. I just deleted it off my phone a couple weeks ago and never really check it anymore. I just keep it for my blog page (and I also don't want to go hipster and delete it all) I just spend WAY less time on there!

      Also, we do budget regroup like every other month just to make sure we are on the right path! Don't feel bad, just fix it!

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