Monthly Measures {#6}




    • June 8, 2013 / 5:51 am

      Exactly, Lanaya! I was thinking the same thing…"awesome"!!!

  1. June 3, 2013 / 5:25 am

    At least you got to day 15. Way better than I would have done and I'm proud of yu Nicole!! Love you guys~~~~~

    • June 8, 2013 / 5:51 am

      Thanks, Hattie! I'm quite proud of myself as well!

  2. June 3, 2013 / 11:38 am

    Day 15, that's pretty darn good. I've been unsuccessfully trying to get back into working out and running to lose some weight. It's been really difficult and I actually love to workout and run. So I hear you. And that's the way I feel right now too, "ain't nobody got time for that". My schedule is all over the place and I find it difficult to work in exercise consistently. I guess that's just another excuse. Good luck with your goals! Enjoy your day.

    • June 8, 2013 / 5:54 am

      Thanks, Dawn! I was shocked that I made it that far to be honest, so I was definitely happy with myself. Working out is definitely difficult, especially when you have a family and a home to tend to (not to mention a job if you work outside the home)! I know that so many people do it but I'm still trying to figure out how (ha)!!! I'll get there though, I'm certain and I hope the same for you!

  3. June 3, 2013 / 4:19 pm

    Do I ever feel that roller coaster! I got to day 17 and then my allergies and a sinus infection put a temporary halt to exercising.

    • June 8, 2013 / 5:56 am

      Ah that sucks, Gwen! At least you had a legitimate excuse, you sound like you were on a role, Mrs. Day 17, you go girl!!!

  4. June 4, 2013 / 5:47 pm

    I'm the same way when it comes to all my goals. If I decide to do something on a monthly basis, it never gets does. I'm actually a lot better when I make daily/weekly goals. I think 15 days is really good! That's way more than I would have ever been able to do!

    • June 8, 2013 / 5:58 am

      I'm with you, Ashley. I need daily/weekly goals as well, monthly is just too long for me to commit to. It sounds so bad when I say it like that but I just have a hard time staying focused on a goal for that amount of time.

  5. June 7, 2013 / 2:27 am

    Don't feel bad. The good thing is that you continue to try. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit…but I definitely believe it takes more than that to create new ones! I did extremely well. I stopped at Day 26. I've been doing a lot of traveling lately and it's hard to keep up routine when you're away from home. Also, there was such a huge leap from day 23 to 25. I feel like they should have distributed that a little more evenly. If you keep starting enough times you'll get the hang of it!! You have to find what works best for you!

    • June 8, 2013 / 5:50 am

      I've heard that 21 thing and I agree that it definitely takes long depending on what it is and who it is (ha)! I can't believe you stopped being that you were so close to finish line but I totally understand (since I know how much you have going on)! Highly commendable! Do you (or your body, rather) feel any different? Like this challenge really made a significant difference in your glutes and thights?!? I really need to know (ha)!!!

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